In 2023 we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the declaration of Menorca as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, a milestone that set the course for a sustainable Menorca in the 21st century. A Menorca that believes in a fair balance between the preservation of the territory and the economic well-being of Menorcans, and in which we still have a way to go together.
That same year we were lucky again. On September 18, 2023, the 45th UNESCO World Heritage Committee held in Riyadh, capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, officially inscribed Menorca Talaiótica on the World Heritage List. An international recognition of Menorca's archaeological heritage, its good state of conservation and the good work done during the candidature. A success that has been the result of the collective effort of many people, entities and institutions committed to our island, and that shows that when we all row in the same direction we are capable of anything. With this declaration, Menorcans reaffirm our commitment to the conservation, research and dissemination of a heritage that will no longer only be important for Menorca, but for all of humanity.
We therefore hope that this new publication of the Sitjot Collection serves to bring this world heritage of ours closer to the entire Menorcan population and to visitors who, without a doubt, from now on will be even more interested in an insular archaeological treasure that is now open the doors to the whole world.
Let's take care of it and preserve it for many years.
(From the introduction by Adolfo Vilafranca and Joan Pons)
Col·lecció Sitjot, 8 Consell Insular de Menorca 2024, 78 p., 21 x 21 cm ISBN: 978-84-18334-22-1